Maintaining a solid client audit relationship has never been more critical and is becoming increasingly complex in the ever expanding regulatory environment. Performing efficient and value-added audits are essential to long-term client retention.
Ingenium’s solutions can assist auditor in cultivating long-lasting, mutually beneficial partnerships between auditors and their clients in the following ways:
- By providing companies with exceptional GAAP guidance, particularly in complex transactions, the risk of misstatement / restatement can be significantly reduced avoiding adversarial and accusatory issues with clients.
- Clients with extensive GAAP knowledge within their internal accounting function eliminates independence “gray areas.”
- When serving in a company’s accounting department function, Ingenium provides PCAOB Auditing Standard No 3 Documentation compliant account reconcilations and schedule allowing auditor to increase fee realization and accurately schedule staffing requirements.
- Ingenium maintains up-front and on-going communication with auditors of the clients it serves to avoid costly surprises and delays in completing attestation engagments.
To further discuss specifically identified accounting needs of your needs of your attestation clients please contact us.